
16 January 2008
Whenever I see the word "fragile," I think of the movie, A Christmas Story. Today, I do not like the word fragile because I want to laugh because of what I think of and I want to cry because of what happened a little while ago.

About thirty minutes ago, my mom called me at work. I was busy coaching so I did not answer my phone. She left me a message telling me that my brother was in a terrible accident. The accelerator on his delivery truck (he works as a delivery man for DHL) became stuck while he was on the freeway. He started picking up a lot of speed and then the brakes in the truck failed and he could not stop. He thought to collide into a barrier to protect others and to allow himself to take most of the damage. Right now, he is in the hospital and I do not know what is going on. I do not know how bad his condition is and I cannot reach my mom or dad. I am kind of freaking out right now!

All of this happening right now has made me think about how fragile life is. One moment, you can be living and then next, you are pushing daisies. Be thankful for your life and love and worship God the best way that you know how. Then when the time comes, you can say to God that you believe that you lived a good live and lived it the best way that you could have. It also has made me think about the constant need for daily repentance. Repentance should not be put off if you can help it because you never know when it might be you time.

Life is fragile...


One of So Many said...

Oh no...I hope he is all right. That's got to be so nerve wracking. Keep us posted!

From what you said at least he was very noble in trying to prevent the injury of others. Very honorable. Very Honorable.

Abelard Enigma said...

My heart goes out to you and your family, and especially your brother. Yes, please keep us posted, and know that I (and, I'm sure others) will keep him in our prayers.

Kengo Biddles said...

It speaks to the quality of a person your brother is, Therapy. Wow.

mollie said...


it's kind of like when my roommate called and told me she just got a call that her father had died in an accident. like... what do you do?!

sorry ): i still haven't learned the perfect thing to say in situations like this...

love you

Saint Job said...

i learned this very lesson just a short while ago. i hope that your brother is okay. i am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you and yours...


Andrew said...

i pray that your brother is okay and that you have the courage to deal with whatever God deals your way. Remember that God loves you and everything about you. Otherwise, he wouldn't have created you.